Emergency Warming Center (Dec. 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025)
Center Church is opening our outreach center at 60 Gold Street to be an emergency overnight shelter (8:30 PM to 8:00 AM) during the winter months. We have been designated as a priority refuge for youth and young adults (18-24 years old) and for folks who need a space that is wheelchair accessible. Although that is our priority population, if we have open beds after 10 PM, we will gladly welcome anyone who needs shelter. Our twenty-one (21) beds are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. For inquiries about availability, please call 211 or Center Church at 860.249.5631. Folks wishing to inquire about donations, monetary or in-kind, should contact Center Church’s outreach director, Carrie Howe, at chowe@cchartford.org.
Sunday Community Meals
Sunday Meals are temporarily suspended while we operate a Winter Weather Overnight Shelter. They will resume in April 2025.
Center Church is strategically located at the heart of the City of Hartford and each Sunday, volunteers from churches, synagogues and community organizations come together to cook a hot meal for our neighbors in the city who are food insecure. Whether it is raining or snowing, cold or warm, we open our dining hall at the lower level of the Church House and serve as many as 90 dinners each Sunday. If you and your family; your faith community or downtown office staff would like to make a difference by preparing and serving dinner on a Sunday afternoon, please contact Center Church Outreach Director Carrie Howe, at chowe@cchartford.org. Click here to learn more!
Hands on Hartford
Center Church is in partnership with Hands On Hartford, an social service nonprofit organization that works with our neighbors in the areas of food, housing and health. Founded in 1969 as Center City Churches, Hands on Hartford has a long history and reputation of strengthening community in Hartford and responding faithfully to people in need, changing lives and renewing human possibility. Learn more at https://handsonhartford.org.
Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (“GHIAA”)
Center Church is an active member of The Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA), a faith-based organization launched in 2019. GHIAA builds relational power within and across diverse communities of faith to address social justice issues in and beyond our local community. To find out more about their action campaigns and see stories of their successes, please visit the GHIAA website at https://cljct.org/ghiaa/.