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For more than 300 years Center Church has been a sacred space where faith and life intersect. We believe that we are called to live out our faith in the world and to offer a vision of justice, equality, and human dignity to our society. Following the example of the Hebrew prophets, embodying the healing ministries of Christ and proclaiming the liberating message of the Gospel, we seek to find an unqualified link between our faith and our calling to heal the world.

Throughout the year, we offer opportunities to our members, friends and neighbors to find out how, together, we can work to promote changes in the church, in the city and in the nation that can sustain our vision for a more just, equal and freer human family.

Advocacy Issues that Matters to Center Church

AIDS/HIV – Connecticut AIDS Resource Coalition

Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (“GHIAA”) – Collaborative group working to make the Greater Hartford region a more just and equitable place for our local communities and beyond.

Domestic Abuse and Violence – Connecticut Coalition Against
Domestic Violence

Universal Health Care – HealthCare4Every1

Homelessness – Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness

Immigration – Connecticut Immigration and Refugee Coalition

Human Trafficking – Connecticut Coalition Against Human Trafficking